Whole grains
Contain the entire grain kernel, the bran, germ and endosperm, each section contains protein, B vitamins, or fiber. Examples of whole grains:
• whole wheat flour, whole oats, whole rye flour, brown rice, wild rice, oatmeal, bulgur, barley, whole wheat pasta, and even popcorn!
• amaranth, quinoa, sorghum, triticale, millet
Health benefits of whole grains
Whole grain foods is one of the help the body build / maintain the energy, red blood cells, B vitamins, and even the memory is full. They also magnesium and potassium, helps regulate blood pressure, also contains selenium, a high-powered antioxidants, adequate protection against cancer. Here are some other benefits of whole grains:
• The fiber helps reduce the risk of heart disease, because it scans the bad cholesterol out of the intestines. Also helps to prevent constipation.
• folic acid, whole grains help prevent birth defects of the nervous system to strengthen.
• Low-glycemic load / number of whole grain fiber helps reduce glycated hemoglobin levels, which help to control and / or prevention of diabetes.